Employer-Centric Technical Workforce Training

Get in touch with Tooling U-SME and learn how we can help you implement an Aero-Flex Apprenticeship Training Program.

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Gain the advanced technical skills required by today's leading manufacturing employers. 

The framework provides for a customized approach to allow each employer to design its own program.

Blended learning solutions encourage maximum effectiveness and retention for knowledge and skills that can be put to use immediately.

Flexibility to Meet an Employer’s Requirements

Online and On-the-Job Training Components

Blended learning plans driven by employer requirements, work experience and industry-recognized stackable credentials that enhance individuals' career options. 

The AERO-FLEX Apprenticeship Training Program is ideal for high school graduates and post-secondary students, veterans, returning service personnel as well as other under-served or under-employed individuals, new hires and incumbent workers. These current and future employees have access to a structured entry point into advanced manufacturing career pathways.


3615 Superior Avenue East Building 44, 5th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44114 

Apprenticeship Programs for Advanced Manufacturing

Aero-Flex Employers and Partners

  • Tailor curriculum to your needs
  • Build a flexible, dynamic workforce with common skill base
  • Implement an employer-defined training plan
  • Obtain funding to support training
  • Scale program throughout the organization

Discover an Apprenticeship Program that Allows You to:

This program is provided by equal opportunity employers. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling in advance. 

National TTY number (800) 877-8339.